Trying to change the order of the user role selector so 'Administrator' role is at top of selector with other custom roles below. Reversing the order would work. Or a DESC order .vs ASC. The selector I'm referring to is found in dashboard -> user.
I've tried working with this code: but I'm struggling in achieving a reverse order (I don't need an alphabetical list of options)
I have tried this, but I'm failing:
add_filter('editable_roles', function($roles){
usort($roles, function($a, $b){
return $a["name"] < $b["name"]?1:-1);
return $roles;
I am able to move Administrator to the top of the list, but the other three roles/options do not change or reverse their order. Any help would be much appreciated!! I have three custom roles in addition to Administrator if that has any bearing.
Update: Here's an image of the roles. I am trying to reverse the order where Administrator is on top, and Read Only is on the bottom:
If I understand you correctly and really all you want to do is to simply reverse the order of the $roles
array, then just do this:
add_filter('editable_roles', function ($roles) {
$roles = array_reverse($roles);
return $roles;
Function References: