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Can not compile proto file in ubuntu for golang

I've installed these packages:

and exported path like this:

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin

when I try compile proto file with protoc command, I see command not found error:

protoc --go_out=. helloworld/helloworld.proto 

zsh: command not found: protoc

my project path is like: /home/my-username/go/src/

my go version: go1.12.5

and I use ubuntu 18.04

When I install it with binary file it works, but compiled go file does not contain some functions like: RegisterGreeterServer or NewGreeterClient


  • Finally with help of Amit, I installed protoc. but when I compiled proto file with this command

    protoc --go_out=. add/add.proto    

    go compiled file did not contain some functions like: RegisterGreeterServer or NewGreeterClient for instance.

    by this reply I found out issue and added plugins=grpc, then tried this command and it worked:

    protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc:. add/add.proto