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How to instantiate classes only from inside another class in Haxe

I need to prevent class A from being instantiated anywhere but only from another class B, then class B can return the created instance of class A which can be used in any other class.

I understand that B could be a Factory in this example, I looked in the factory pattern in the Haxe code cookbook but it does not seem suit what I am looking for.

In my example class B is doing some work then should return the result in an instance of class A.

no one should be able to create an instance of class A because it is the result of the work that class B performs. anyone needs an instance of A should ask B to do the work and return the resulted A instance

hope I explained it clearly


  • You would usually do this by using @:allow() metadata in combination with a private constructor:


    class A {
        private function new() {}


    class B {
        public static function create():A {
            return new A(); // compiles

    Trying to instantiate A outside of B will result in a compiler error:

    class Main {
        static function main() {
            new A(); // Cannot access private constructor of A

    Note that it's still possible to work around this by using @:access() or @:privateAccess metadata - in Haxe, nothing is ever truly private. It follows a philosophy of "the programmer knows best", which can be very powerful.

    Also, you might want to declare A as @:final so nothing can subclass it, because subclasses can access private fields in Haxe. But again, this can be overriden with @:hack metadata.