I am using Devise gem for user Authentication. User id is as foreign key in article table How can i get writer name through User_id in a view Show_article.html.erb I can access user_id in show_article.htmlerb
I have tried to make a custom function in article controller but could not get the desired output
your Article model should look like this:
class Article << ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
#....some more lines
your User model should look like this:
class User << ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :articles
#....some more lines
and your show.html.erb
should say:
#....your rest of code
<%= @article.try(:user).try(:name) %>
#....your rest of code
This will skip user name if you article doesn't have any user. It looks like your article doesn't have user_id or you haven't defined your relations correctly.