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Use Static Middleware with Tink Web

I want to declare 2 routes. The first one, "/api" will provide some REST stuff, and the other one, "/static" should serve static content.

I tried to start from the quick start samples, but I don't know how to do this.

import tink.http.containers.*;
import tink.http.Response;
import tink.web.routing.*;

class Server {
    static function main() {
        var container = new NodeContainer(8080);
        var router = new Router<Root>(new Root()); {
            return router.route(Context.ofRequest(req))

class Root {
    public function new() {}

    public function hello(name = 'World')
        return 'Hello, $name!';


  • First of all, i had to use git version of tink_http_middleware and asys

    -lib tink_web
    -lib hxnodejs
    -lib tink_http_middleware:git:
    -lib asys:git:
    -main server.Api
    -js www/api/api.js

    Next, @KevinResoL's answer was very helpful, i changed only one thing. staticMiddleware.apply(handler)

    package server;
    import tink.http.Handler;
    import tink.http.middleware.Static;
    import tink.http.containers.*;
    import tink.http.Response;
    import tink.web.routing.*;
    class Api {
        public static function main() {
            var container = new NodeContainer(8080);
            var router = new Router<ApiRoute>(new ApiRoute());
            var staticMiddleware = new Static("..","/");
            var handler:Handler = req -> router.route(Context.ofRequest(req)).recover(OutgoingResponse.reportError);
    class ApiRoute {
        public function new() { }
        @:sub public var api:Root = new Root();
    class Root {
        public function new() { }
        public function serve(name = 'index.html')
            return 'Hello, $name!';