I am developing a properties panel in which I have to display the properties of the model. I got the properties of the model with help this. I also created a properties panel using this code.
The first thing I need is to find out how I can display the properties of the treated object that I need in the properties panel. The second thing I would like to know, this is how I can create such a window, had a fixed height.
The first thing I need is to find out how I can display the properties of the treated object that I need in the properties panel.
let yourProperties;
viewer.model.getProperties(dbid, properties=> yourProperties = properties);
MyAwesomePanel.prototype.setProperties = function (properties, options, container) {
Autodesk.Viewing.Extensions.ViewerPropertyPanel.prototype.setProperties.call(this, yourProperties, options, container);
The second thing I would like to know, this is how I can create such a window, had a fixed height.
Already explained in my comment in the code sample with your previous question