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Google Maps Android API: Authorization failure. Ensure that the "Google Maps Android API v2" is enabled. Ensure that the following Android Key exists

I am getting this error:

E/Google Maps Android API: Authorization failure.  Please see for how to correctly set up the map.
E/Google Maps Android API: In the Google Developer Console (
Ensure that the "Google Maps Android API v2" is enabled.
Ensure that the following Android Key exists:
    API Key: [The key...]
    Android Application (<cert_fingerprint>;<package_name>):

Instead of the map working correctly, this is what I see:

enter image description here

In my app/build.gradle, I have this:

implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''
implementation ''

play-services-location is what I need for the Google Maps, correct? I was looking at the list at and I assume that Google Location and Activity Recognition - is what I need for Google Maps. Is this correct?

UPDATE 1: I already have Maps SDK for Android enabled:

enter image description here

The error says: Ensure that the "Google Maps Android API v2" is enabled.. Is it referring to the Maps SDK for Android that I am showing in the screenshot in this UPDATE 1?

UPDATE 2: I have Maps SDK for Android enabled:

enter image description here

When I click the MANAGE button, I can go to the section to configure credentials that I showed in UPDATE 1.

UPDATE 3: I see the Map displayed correctly on all versions of Android on the Emulator. But on physical devices, the map never shows up. I see the Google logo and the red balloon, but now the map when I run the app on physical phones. Only on the Emulator everything works. Any ideas why?

UPDATE 4: See my solution at


  • I followed this tutorial and I was able to fix it: The video makes references to this tutorial:

    In my case, what I did was to create a new project at I used Android apps for Application restrictions:

    enter image description here

    For the Restrict usage to your Android apps section, I had to provide a Package name and a SHA-1 certificate fingerprint. The Package name was in my app/build.gradle, specifically here:

    applicationId "[my package name]"

    The SHA-1 certificate fingerprint I found it from Android Studio by running signingReport:

    enter image description here

    The result included something like this:

    Alias: AndroidDebugKey
    MD5: [The value]
    SHA1: [The value]
    SHA-256: [The value]
    Valid until: Wednesday, May 5, 2049
    1 actionable task: 1 executed
    16:31:44: Task execution finished 'signingReport'.

    Now the map works correctly in my Android app:

    enter image description here

    UPDATE 1: To my surprise, the maps were working correctly only on the Android Studio Emulator but not on real Android physical devices. The solution was what I posted at