I'm trying to create a folder under an existing folder in SharePoint using Microsoft Graph (C# SDK). I understand creating the folder on SharePoint or OneDrive should be the same when using the Graph API, but still, I couldn't find any good online references. The only article I found is an old one, which only has an example in JavaScript.
I have a root folder A
and I want to create a subfolder B
under A
Here is the code:
var driveRequestBuilder = graphClient
var folderRequestBuilder = driveRequestBuilder
var folderDriveItem = folderRequestBuilder
.Result; // This returns the root folder "A"'s info
var subFolderDriveItem = new DriveItem()
Name = "B",
Folder = folderDriveItem.Folder
var result = folderRequestBuilder
The last line of code throws an AggregateException
(because of TPL), which contains the inner exception:
Code: -1, Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.InvalidClientQueryException
Message: The parameter folder does not exist in method getByPath.
Inner error
I want to know the correct syntax to create the subfolder.
In case of sub folder the endpoint for creating a folder should be
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/drive/root:/{path}:/children
Content-Type: application/json
"name": "New folder name",
"folder": { },
"@microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior": "rename"
Example for msgraph-sdk-dotnet
var folder = new DriveItem
Name = "<sub folder name>",
Folder = new Folder()
var result = await graphClient
.ItemWithPath("<folder path>")