My program is seg-faulting in the package elaboration section. I declare a a bunch of variables in a block in the body. They are all records with a QLOCK, First ID Number, Last ID Number, and a data array. All different types because the data and ID range is slightly different for each record.
The types are all defined in the same package spec (SMO_Types) but only one of them causes a seg fault.
Ada catches this segfault and raises a storage error so the output looks like this
raised STORAGE_ERROR : s-intman.adb:136 explicit raise
I tried to force elaboration order by putting Elaborate_All(SMO_Types);
It still had a seg fault during runtime.
When I comment out that declaration and any uses of that single variable it works fine.
begin -- Package Body
EX1_Access := EX_PKG.Object_Access(Read_Only => False);
EX2_Access := EX_PKG.Object_Access(Read_Only => False);
EX3_Access := EX_PKG.Object_Access(Read_Only => False);
IPC_API.Qlock.Init(Lock => EX1_Access.QLock, Name => "EX1_Access.QLock");
IPC_API.Qlock.Init(Lock => EX2_Access.QLock, Name => "EX2_Access.QLock");
IPC_API.Qlock.Init(Lock => EX3_Access.QLock, Name => "EX3_Access.QLock");
EX1 : constant SMO_Types.EX1_Type
:= (QLock => EX1_Access.QLock,
First => ACT.EX1_ID_Type'first,
Last => ACT.EX1_ID_Type'last,
Data => (others => (EX_File => EX_API_Types.NOT_DEFINED)));
--The following EX2_Type causes the elaboration issue, if I comment this
--declaration/init and it's use the code works.
--If I make a random variable of EX2_Type without making it a constant
--and initializing it there is still a seg fault. Therefor it seems
--likely that the issue lies with the EX2_Type.
EX2 : constant SMO_Types.EX2_Type
:= (QLock => EX2_Access.QLock,
First => ACT.EX2_ID_Type'first,
Last => ACT.EX2_ID_Type'last,
Data => (others => (EX_File => EX_API_Types.NOT_DEFINED)));
EX3 : constant SMO_Types.EX3_Type
:= (QLock => EX3_Access.QLock,
First => ACT.EX3_ID_Type'first,
Last => ACT.EX3_ID_Type'last,
Data => (others => (EX_File => EX_API_Types.NOT_DEFINED)));
EX1_Access.all := EX1;
EX2_Access.all := EX2;
EX3_Access.all := EX3;
end Example_Package;
*** EDIT: Here are the types (Ignore the weird order of EX1 vs EX2 vs EX3, this isn't a retyping typo. It is how they are in the legacy code)
MAX_EX_COUNT : constant := 36367;
MAX_EX1_COUNT : constant := 18947;
MAX_EX2_COUNT : constant := 1000;
MAX_EX3_COUNT : constant := 1000;
type EX_ID_Type is range -1 .. MAX_EX_COUNT;
for EX_ID_Type'size use 4*8;
subtype EX2_ID_Type is ID_Type
range 1 .. MAX_EX2_COUNT;
subtype EX1_ID_Type is ID_Type
range EX2_ID_Type'Last+1 .. EX2_ID_Type'Last+MAX_EX1_COUNT;
subtype EX3_ID_Type is ID_Type
range EX1_ID_Type'Last+1 .. EX1_ID_Type'Last+MAX_EX3_COUNT;
type Data_Array_Type is array (EX_ID_Type range <>)
of EX_API_Types.EX_Data_Type;
type EX_Record_Type (First, Last : EX_ID_Type) is
Qlock : IPC_API.Qlock.Qlock_Type;
Data : Data_Array_Type(First .. Last);
end record;
subtype EX1_Type is
EX_Record_Type(First => EX1_ID_Type'first,
Last => EX1_ID_Type'last);
subtype EX2_Type is
EX_Record_Type(First => EX2_ID_Type'first,
Last => EX2_ID_Type'last);
subtype EX3_Type is
EX_Record_Type(First => EX3_ID_Type'first,
Last => EX3_ID_Type'last);
As @JimRogers mentioned at the end of his post "It appears that your program has insufficient stack space" ended up being the problem leading me to the solution.
There were parallel changes going on to my library changes and one of those changes re-located a scripts "ulimit -Ss 65536" to a different script that didn't end up getting run when the program was being run.
Because of @JimRogers I began troubleshooting stack issues and ended up seeing the above change and reverted it in my sandbox. This fixed the issue. Thanks for everyones help!
TLDR Problem: Stack ran out of space during elaboration Solution: Added "ulimit -Ss 65536" (Increase the soft stack size to 64KB) to run scripts.