I have a project that displays a list of participants. What I would like to do is filter them by providers using checkboxes in real-time.
The participants:
{ 'name': 'test1', 'provider' : {'name': 'provider1'}}
{ 'name': 'test2', 'provider' : {'name': 'provider2'}}
{ 'name': 'test3', 'provider' : {'name': 'provider3'}}
{ 'name': 'test4', 'provider' : {'name': 'provider1'}'}
My html template is:
Here is the list of checkboxes that displays providers. I use this to filter participants.
<div class="form-group" *ngFor="let provider of providers">
<input type="checkbox" name="providers" value="{{ provider.name }}" [(ngModel)]="provider.checked"
(change)="displayParticipantsByProvider($event.target.value)">{{ provider.lastName }}
And here is how I display the participants:
<li *ngFor="let p of participants">{{ p.name }} - {{ p.provider.name }} </li>
And my filter function in the component is:
displayParticipantsByProvider(filterVal: any) {
if (filterVal === '0') {
this.participants = this.cathechParticipants;
} else {
this.participants = this.participants.filter((item) => item.provider.includes(filterVal));
This filter returns only whichever checked item is. For instance, if provider 1 is selected from the checkbox, it returns participants where I have provider1 in it. If I select provider2 from the checkbox, it returns only participants with the provider2 in it. My goal is to load both of them since they both are selected. So, how can I load participants using multiple checkboxes which allows me to filter?
Keep track of selected items and match it against providers list, and add it to the participants array.
The following example is done with Angular Material.
export class AppComponent {
selectedProviders: any[];
providers: any[];
participants: any[];
providerChange() {
this.participants = [];
for (const sp of this.selectedProviders) {
for (const p of this.providers) {
if (sp.provider.name === p.provider.name) {
ngOnInit() {
this.providers = [
{ 'name': 'test1', 'provider': { 'name': 'provider1' } },
{ 'name': 'test2', 'provider': { 'name': 'provider2' } },
{ 'name': 'test3', 'provider': { 'name': 'provider3' } },
{ 'name': 'test4', 'provider': { 'name': 'provider1' } }
<mat-list-item class="primary-imenu-item" role="listitem">
<mat-form-field class="select-form">
<mat-option *ngFor="let p of providers" [value]="p">
<li *ngFor="let p of participants">{{p.name}}</li>