I have the following implementation of SampleSort
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import ca.vgorcinschi.ArrayOps
import Ordered._
//noinspection SpellCheckingInspection
class SampleSort[T: ClassTag : Ordering](val sampleSize: Int = 30) extends QuickSort[T] {
import SearchTree._
override def sort(a: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
require(a != null, "Passed-in array should not be null")
private def sortHelper(a: Array[T]): Array[T] = {
//if the array is shorter then the sampling - sort it with Quicksort
if (a.length <= sampleSize) return super.sort(a)
just the indices for the sample array.
also required later for figuring out the nonPartitionedRemainder of the array
val sampleArrayIndices: Array[Int] = a.subArrayOfSize(sampleSize)
val sampleArray: Array[T] = sampleArrayIndices map (a(_))
val sortedSampleArray: Array[T] = sort(sampleArray, 0, sampleArray.length - 1)
val searchTree: SearchTree = buildTree(sortedSampleArray, sampleSize / 2)
val nonPartitionedRemainder = a.slice(0, sampleArrayIndices.head) ++ a.slice(sampleArrayIndices.last + 1, a.length)
val finalTree = (searchTree /: nonPartitionedRemainder) (_ nest _)
finalTree.arrays() flatMap sort
private class SearchTree(lt: Array[T], median: Array[T], gt: Array[T]) {
//hear median is guaranteed to be non null and non empty based off the partitioning in sortHelper
private val pivot: T = median.head
def nest(value: T): SearchTree = {
if (value < pivot) SearchTree(lt :+ value, median, gt)
if (value > pivot) SearchTree(lt, median, gt :+ value)
else SearchTree(lt, median :+ value, gt)
def arrays(): Array[Array[T]] = Array(lt, median, gt)
private object SearchTree {
def buildTree(sample: Array[T], pivot: Int): SearchTree = {
//do not look beyond pivot since sample is guaranteed to be partitioned
val lt = sample.takeWhile(_ < sample(pivot))
//only look from pivot and up
val medianAndGt: (Array[T], Array[T]) = sample.slice(lt.length, sample.length) partition (_ == sample(pivot))
SearchTree(lt, medianAndGt._1, medianAndGt._2)
def apply(lt: Array[T], median: Array[T], gt: Array[T]): SearchTree = new SearchTree(lt, median, gt)
Briefly what this code does:
This is currently failing in SearchTree.nest
method (point 3 above) because all the values are getting into the median (eq
) bucket:
However similar comparisons work inside SearchTree.buildTree
object function, using the same import Ordered._
I am not sure what am I missing here. I would appreciate any help or advice in this matter.
You are missing else
before if (value > pivot)
. Your current code in nest
if value < pivot
, build a new SearchTree
and throw it away;
if value > pivot
So when value < pivot
holds, you get the else
branch of the second if