I have 1 Gesture Detector that wraps 10 different cards and it allows swiping them. Each card has 3 on tap Gesture Detectors(buttons basically). Swipe works as expected but first 6 cards don't trigger the tap action when tapped (Gesture Arena tells me horizontal drag is fighting vertical drag -> so the tap gesture is perceived as vertical drag).
I find it Strange that the last 4 cards trigger on tap and swipe works perfect
I've tried changing GestureDetectors to InkWell but it didn't work out.
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return GestureDetector(
onHorizontalDragStart: _onHorizontalDragStart,
onHorizontalDragUpdate: _onHorizontalDragUpdate,
onHorizontalDragEnd: _onHorizontalDragEnd,
behavior: HitTestBehavior.translucent,
child: Stack(
children: _buildCards(),
List<Widget> _buildCards() {
return [
_buildCard(0, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(1, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(2, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(3, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(4, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(5, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(6, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(7, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(8, 10, scrollPercent),
_buildCard(9, 10, scrollPercent),
Widget _buildCard(int cardIndex, int cardCount, double scrollPercent) {
final cardScrollPercent = scrollPercent / (1 / cardCount);
final parallax = scrollPercent - (cardIndex / cardCount);
return FractionalTranslation(
translation: Offset(cardIndex - cardScrollPercent, 0.0),
child: Transform(
transform: _buildCardProjection(cardScrollPercent - cardIndex),
child: card1(parallax, cardIndex
Card1 is appealed last and it represents the card itself.. Here is the code for the onTap property of GestureDetector of Card1
onTap: () {
context: context,
builder: (BuildContext context) => CustomDialog(
title: "Title",
buttonText: "Okay",
); },
It sounds like you might be interested in replacing your setup with a PageView widget. It uses a PageController to manage the swipe gestures. Check out the video on it Widget of the Week - PageView