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how Symbolicate a crash file using xcarchive

I've found this good tutorial:

After read it I understand that I have to use the crash file and the xcarchive/pathtodsymfile to Symbolicate the crash file because my IPA is not in the appstore, is just an adhoc IPA.

I've located the file: myapp.xcarchive/dSYMs/

Then I use the following command:

/Applications/ -v my.crash myapp.xcarchive/dSYMs/ > results.txt

And this is the output:

Num stacks found: 13
0 binary images remain after pruning:

($hwModel, $osVersion, $osBuild) = (iPhone9?4, 12.2, 16E227)
$versionPattern = {iPhone9?4 12.2 (16E227),iPhone9?4 12.2 (16E227) *,12.2 (16E227),12.2 (16E227) *,12.2,16E227,16E227 *}
Symbol directory paths:  /Users/myuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/12.2 (16E227)/Symbols /Users/myuser/Library/Developer/Xcode/iOS DeviceSupport/12.2 (16E227) arm64e/Symbols
Finding Symbols:
0 binary images were found.
No symbolic information found

And the results.txt file is the same of my.crash

What I'm doing wrong?

my.crash file


  • I figure out that my logs was __hidden so I've just set Build Settings -> Enable bitcode to No and then there is not need to symbolicate.