I have made a QR scanner App, I have manually put some QR codes into parse for it to recognise, any QR codes scanned that I haven't put into parse don't get recognised.
The only thing to tell them apart is their (Info) i.e "restaurant", "nail salon" etc.
I am after a way to be able to record an Integer of how many times the chosen QRCode has been scanned, to then place on a label in the app.
I can (.count) ALL of the qrCodes saved and scanned by the user but can't seem to figure out how I can then either put all "Nail Salons" into their own array on parse or run a For loop matching the ones I need.
// The code below will retrieve everything in the "info" column and print it to console
// This prints "Nails Salon" x 5, "Restaurant" x3 and "Coffee Shop" x 7 in the order that they were scanned (Unorganised)
// What block of code could I make to display what PFuser.current currently has in their parse?
// E.g. PFUser has scanned "Nail Salon" 5 Times, "Restaurant" 3 time etc etc
let infoCheck = PFQuery(className: "UserQRCodes")
infoCheck.whereKey("info", contains: "")
infoCheck.findObjectsInBackground { (objects: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
} else if let objects = objects {
// To retrieve everything the USER has scanned and display it as String on the APP
let query = PFQuery(className: "UserQRCodes")
query.whereKey("userName", equalTo: PFUser.current()!)
query.findObjectsInBackground { (objects: [PFObject]?, error: Error?) in
if let error = error {
//log details of the failure
} else if let objects = objects {
let stampees: Int = objects.count
let totalStampees = String(stampees)
self.stampeesCollectedLabel.text = totalStampees
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
You want to filter elements in your array of scans. For each code type, call something like
// '$0' is your PFObject. Replace 'name' with whatever `PFObject` property
// represents the object's type
let nailSalons = objects.filter { $0.name == "Nail Salon" }
You can then use this filtered array to get your count.
Note that the filter { $0... }
syntax is a shorthand for
objects.filter { (object) throws -> Bool) in
return object.name == "Nail Salon"
You'll need to use the full version if your condition is anything more complicated than a simple one-line expression. Note that in the short version, the return
is implied.