I'm trying to convert decode to dictionary from the below url encoded string. The normal method of doing so is given below. In my case it is not working. Also i need to remove any character like \u{05}
let params = str.components(separatedBy: "&").map({
$0.components(separatedBy: "=")
}).reduce(into: [String:String]()) { dict, pair in
if pair.count == 2 {
dict[pair[0]] = pair[1]
My url encoded string is
I'm expecting result as
"id" = "sfghsgh=sbfsfhj",
"name" = "awsjdk_fs"
How it is possible to achive?
Piggyback on URLComponents
var components = URLComponents()
components.query = "id=sfghsgh=sbfsfhj&name=awsjdk_fs"
// => Optional([id=sfghsgh=sbfsfhj, name=awsjdk_fs])
let list = components.queryItems?.map { ($0.name, $0.value) } ?? []
// [("id", Optional("sfghsgh=sbfsfhj")), ("name", Optional("awsjdk_fs"))]
let dict = Dictionary(list, uniquingKeysWith: { a, b in b })
// ["name": Optional("awsjdk_fs"), "id": Optional("sfghsgh=sbfsfhj")]
If you need a [String: String]
rather than [String: String?]
let list = components.queryItems?.compactMap { ($0.name, $0.value) as? (String, String) } ?? []
// [("id", "sfghsgh=sbfsfhj"), ("name", "awsjdk_fs")]
let dict = Dictionary(list, uniquingKeysWith: { a, b in b })
// ["name": "awsjdk_fs", "id": "sfghsgh=sbfsfhj"]