I am trying to use Scribus to convert a SVG to PDF and then add a spot color to the PDF. The spot color has to be named "CutContour" for the Vinyl Cutter to know where to cut. Nothing I do seems to create a Spot Color. I think I might be using the wrong type of PDF but am not sure. I think the PDF needs to be PDF/X-3 but the pdf.version only except ints so I dont know what to use.
import scribus
pdf = scribus.PDFfile()
scribus.defineColorCMYKFloat("CutContour", 1, 99, 0, 0)
scribus.setSpotColor("CutContour", 1)
scribus.replaceColor("FromSVG#ec008c", "CutContour")
scribus.deleteColor("FromSVG#ec008c", "CutContour")
pdf.version = 1.3
pdf.file = 'output1.pdf'
it seems that, by default, scribus exports the pdf for web / display...
you need to add
pdf.outdst = 1
and you'll get your pdf with the spot color in it!
(i've reimported the generated pdf into a new scribus document: the spot color did show up and the original RGB one was not there)