We currently have an Identity server 4 application. Using entity framework core and asp .net identity.
We have a group of supporters who need to be able to access our users accounts in order to help them with issues over the phone. Our users are not able to figure out how to use team viewer. As most of them are mobile and will only have a cellphone at the time.
I know all the security ramifications of allowing other people to sign into your account however there is really no way around this. Our customers have accepted that our supporters can connect to their account when they request it. We trust that our supporters only do this when its requested.
The current hack creates an api endpoint which only our supporters can use as it has been locked down so that only those with supporter permission can use it. They send the users email and we hack create them an access token which is then used by the application (Web version) to act like its the user who is having issues.
This solution was created by my predecessor basically by taking the supporters access token and replacing all of the claims with this supporters id to the users id and returning it to the application. I hate this solution on a number of levels and its very unstable every time i look at this method it breaks. currently its not working because audience clams are incorrect for some reason.
I would really like to do this in a less hack way. So is there a way to sign in a user to the application without it actually being them thats doing the signing in and return an access token?
I have tried doing
await _signInManager.SignInAsync(user, false, null);
But i cant seam to figure out how to get that to return an access token.
What i would really like to do is have the ability for supporters to login to any ones account but do it securely somehow.
The problem with the user account is that it's not bound to one application. So by allowing others to login using the account, you give them also access to other applications. As a workaround you could use 'public' accounts, like engineer_01, engineer_02, etc.
But, this may not be necessary at all. What you really want IMO is to impersonate the user, instead of 'hacking' the account.
One way to do this, is to extend IdentityServer with a custom grant type using extension grants.
How this could work:
A signed-in user, who is allowed to impersonate users for the particular client/resource, requests an access token at the new impersonation endpoint.
The user sends the sub
from the user to impersonate to the endpoint, where the user and (combination of ) sub are verified.
When access is granted a new (short-lived) access token is returned which can be used to impersonate the user, without having to know the credentials of the user.
The access token should contain information of the endpoint so it can be determined whether the user is impersonated.