I have two queries whose timing parameters I want to analyze.
The first query is taking much longer than the second one while in my opinion it should be the other way round.Any Explanations?
First query:
select mrn
from EncounterInformation
limit 20;
Second query:
select enc.mrn, fl.fileallocationid
from EncounterInformation as enc inner join
FileAllocation as fl
on enc.encounterIndexId = fl.encounterid
limit 20;
The first query runs in 0.760 seconds on MYSQL while second one runs in 0.509 seconds surprisingly.
There are many reasons why measured performance between two queries might be different:
is a string that is really long for the result set in the first query but not the second)Your observation is correct. The first should be faster than the second. More importantly though is the observation that this simply does not make sense for your simple query:
The first query runs in 0.760 seconds
select mrn from EncounterInformation limit 20;
The work done for this would typically be to load one data page (or maybe a handful). That would only consistently take 0.760 seconds if:
is a view and not a table.If the difference is between 0.760 milliseconds and 0.509 milliseconds, then the difference is really small and likely due to other issues -- warm caches, other activity on the server, other database activity.
It is also possible that you are measuring elapsed time and not database time, so network congestion could potentially be an issue.
If you are querying views, all bets are off without knowing what the views are. In fact, if you care about performance you should be including the execution plan in the question.
I can't explain the difference. What I can say is that your observation is reasonable, but your question lacks lots of information that suggests you need to learn more about how to understand timings. I would suggest that you start with learning about explain