I am writing jest test to my meteor project. I am trying to test codes in the Meteor.methods, but I am not sure how to do it with Jest.
On the server side (which is also main.js), the code snippets look like something bellow,
'shops.get': () => { return ShopList.find({}).fetch();},
in main.test.js, I wrote something like
describe('methods', () => {
let shops=[];
beforeEach(() => {
if(!e) shops=r;
But an error occurs:
ReferenceError: Meteor is not defined
I've read a an article mentioning faking meteor in a file.(https://blog.meteor.com/real-world-unit-tests-with-meteor-and-jest-3d557e84e84a), but I am not sure in this way how to resolve symbols like Meteor.call or Meteor.methods.
Any ideas are appreciated.
Have a look at https://guide.meteor.com/testing.html for information on testing.
This is an integration test, as you are testing database functions, you should use Meteor to run the tests, as otherwise you have a lot of mocking to do, and then you don't prove much except your mocks work as expected.
So use the meteor test
command, with the appropriate driver, such as https://atmospherejs.com/meteortesting/mocha - it's not jest, but it will give you the result you want.
If you need more information, I can provide you with some sample code if you like.