I have a problem that I can't create InternetGateway with pulumi when execute pulumi up.
even if I execute pulumi up, the Execution result will be above sentence. my ideal is (read) → (create).
code is following.
const vpc = new aws.ec2.Vpc("custom1-vpc", {
cidrBlock: "",
enableDnsHostnames: true,
enableClassiclinkDnsSupport: true,
instanceTenancy: "default",
tags: {
Name: "custom1-vpc"
const internatGateway = new aws.ec2.InternetGateway("custom1_gateway", {
vpcId: vpc.id
}, vpc);
result is following.
Do you want to perform this update? details
+ pulumi:pulumi:Stack: (create)
+ aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc: (create)
assignGeneratedIpv6CidrBlock: false
cidrBlock : ""
enableClassiclinkDnsSupport : true
enableDnsHostnames : true
enableDnsSupport : true
instanceTenancy : "default"
tags : {
Name : "custom1-vpc"
> aws:ec2/internetGateway:InternetGateway: (read)
vpcId: output<string>
You shouldn't specify vpc
as the third parameter. Just run this:
const internatGateway = new aws.ec2.InternetGateway("custom1_gateway", {
vpcId: vpc.id