I added a copyright notice to my map like this:
/* add copyright overlay */
val copyrightOverlay = CopyrightOverlay(this)
copyrightOverlay.setCopyrightNotice("This doesn't do anything :(")
The documentation doesn't mention what setCopyrightNotice(String pCopyrightNotice)
is supposed to do.
I expected it to somehow change the text of the copyright overlay. But as shown in the screenshot below, the overlay still says © OpenStreetMap contributors
Does anyone know how this method is supposed to be used? Did I miss anything?
(the reason I tried to edit the notice was to find a way to make donations to OSM, similarly to the overlay at openstreetmap.org
You can look into the source code : since it's open source.
There we can see that setter should set the text:
public void setCopyrightNotice(final String pCopyrightNotice) {
mCopyrightNotice = pCopyrightNotice;
But we can also see that the draw method gets the copyright notice from tile source:
public void draw(Canvas canvas, MapView map, boolean shadow) {
draw(canvas, map.getProjection());
This practically overrides the value you set every time the overlay is drawn.
I kind of think this is a mistake in the API. The setCopyrightNotice
method shouldn't be public, that's just confusing.
I would suggest to implement your own copyright notice overaly - you can fallow the original source and reproduce the code exactly how you want it to be.