I generated my scala model from a database with slick-codegen. Now the generation of Json mappers fails. How can I avoid doing everything by hand?
could not find implicit value for parameter encoder: io.circe.Encoder[UserController.this.db.UsersRow
implicit val userFormat = Json.format[models.Tables#UsersRow]
No unapply or unapplySeq function found for class UsersRow: <none> / <none>
The slick-codegen generated code looks like:
package models
object Tables extends {
val profile = slick.jdbc.PostgresProfile
} with Tables
trait Tables {
val profile: slick.jdbc.JdbcProfile
import profile.api._
case class UsersRow(id: Int, username: String)
//lots more code
You can use your own SourceCodeGenerator to create a circe implicit semi-automatic derivation for each case class.
Code should look like ...
new slick.codegen.SourceCodeGenerator(model){
val importCirce =
"import io.circe.Encoder\nimport io.circe.generic.semiauto._"
val implicits = model.tables.map(t => {
val name = entityName(t.name.table)
s"implicit val ${name}Encoder: Encoder[${name}] = deriveEncoder[${name}]\n"
override def code: String =
super.code + "\n" + importCirce + "\n\n" + implicits
Once the model is created you already have the decoder or encoder available
import models.Tables._
val user = new User("Peter", 1)
println {
you can check a full example here https://github.com/jgoday/scala-slick-customcodegen