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Unable to call github APIs given username and password

I'm trying to call Github APIs to the Github Enterprise Server in the company that I work for. The API calls works when I use personal access token, but every time I used user name and password, I'm getting an HTTP 401 error message "Must authenticate to use this API".

I tried using the following tools:

  • curl

Sample call:

curl --proxy $PROXY -i --user "xx-xx"

Sample code:

gh = Github('my-user', password='....', base_url='')

Sample code

r = requests.get('', auth=('my-user','....'), proxies=proxyDict) 

Doesn't work if I use either HTTPBasicAuth or HTTPDigestAuth

The company github website is authenticated via SAML, so I'm wondering if this is SAML related issue.


  • Github does not allow http/https authentications. (same for bitbucket and gitlab). I learnt it hard-way.

    You may want to use ssh public key based authentication.