Trying to create a number triangle using user input for each individual part of the triangle. I figured out how to put each row into a list and get user input for each individual number but I need help doing it without having each row in a list.
rows = int(dataLines) # --> convert user input to an integer
def triangle(rows):
PrintingList = list()
for rownum in range (1, rows + 1): # use colon after control structure to denote the beginning of block of code
PrintingList.append([]) # append a row
for iteration in range (rownum):
newValue = input("Please enter the next number:")
PrintingList[rownum - 1].append(int(newValue))
for item in PrintingList:
print (item)
This only got me lists for each row. Desired output would be something like
2 5
5 7 8
9 15 2 3
using user input for each individual number
Change This In Your Code:-
for item in PrintingList:
print (*item)
Here we unpacked each element of the list using an List Unpacking Operator *
. This got us rid of those brackets, in the beginning and end of each row.
This Gives us Output:-
2 5
5 7 8
9 15 2 3