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Response 400 on Microsoft Graph - Create calendar event: Property emailAddress in payload has a value that does not match schema

I'm creating a new calendar event through Microsoft Graph. I'm trying to insert organizer information on a Graph Calendar Event

if organizer.get('email'):
    log('email: ')
    log(organizer.get('email', ''))

eventJson["organizer"] = {
    "emailAddress": {
        "address":str(organizer.get('email', ''))


2019-05-17T17:05:45.421475+00:00 app[web.1]: ERROR
2019-05-17T17:05:45.421493+00:00 app[web.1]: <Response [400]>
2019-05-17T17:05:45.421501+00:00 app[web.1]: 
  "error": {
    "code": "BadRequest",
    "message": "Property emailAddress in payload has a value that does not match schema.",
    "innerError": {
      "request-id": "xxxxxxxxxxxx",
      "date": "2019-05-17T17:05:45"

I have already checked organizer.get('email') content. Also, in some other events, the same structure worked well. I don't know what the schema expects.

This is the example I have found on the documentation

"organizer": {
    "emailAddress": {
        "name": "Megan Bowen",
        "address": ""


  • The organizer property is automatically set the owner of the calendar where the event was created. It isn't a property you can set. If you look at the examples, you'll see that organizer only shows up in the Response, not the Request.