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How to pass data from page to page in Thymeleaf based spring boot application

I am developing application in Spring boot and i am using Thymeleaf as a template engine. Its like a Ordering application where user selects option on Page 1, Page 2 and so on and at last page i have to save all the previously user selected options to DB.

Can anyone suggest what will be the best design approach to pass data from one page to another should i need to use session ? I have Model objects defined for each page and i am passing to and from data using these model object .


  • I did something like below

    public class Cart
       // simple POJO fields

    and then use this inside the Controller i want

    public class SessionController
       private Cart cart;
       public String addToCart(@RequestParam("id") int id)

    since the scope of cart is session so i can use this model object to whichever controller i want put the value in cart object get the value from it wherever i want.