I have the below select statement in hive .It executes perfectely fine.
In Hive
COALESCE(product_name,CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(TRIM(product_id),' -
'),trim(plan_code)),' - UNKNOWN')) as product_name
from table name;
I am trying to use the same select statement in POSTGRESQL and it throw me error saying "
Query execution failed
SQL Error [42883]: ERROR: function concat(text, unknown) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
In postgresql:
COALESCE(product_name,CONCAT(CONCAT(CONCAT(TRIM(product_id),' -
'),trim(plan_code)),' - UNKNOWN')) as product_name
from table name;
Could some one throw some light on this ?
Instead of concat try with ||
SELECT COALESCE(product_name,
(TRIM(product_id) || ' - ' || TRIM(plan_code) || ' - UNKNOWN')
) AS product_name
FROM tablename;
or simply a single CONCAT as:
SELECT COALESCE(product_name,
CONCAT(TRIM(product_id)::text, ' - ', TRIM(plan_code)::text, ' - UNKNOWN')
) AS product_name
FROM tablename;