I have some predictable .toml
files with content structure like:
key1 = "someID"
key2 = "someVersionNumber"
key3 = "someTag"
key4 = "someOtherTag"
key5 = [] #empty array, sometimes contains strings
key6 = "long text"
key7 = "more text"
key8 = """
- text
- more text
- so much text
I want to transform it to CSV like this:
"someID","someVersionNumber","someTag","someOtherTag","","long text","more text", "- text- more text- so much text"
Can I do this with a few lines of bash commands?
What about if I want to combine all the lines of CSV into one, e.g.
"someID","someVersionNumber","someTag","someOtherTag","","long text","more text", "- text- more text- so much text"
"someID","someVersionNumber","someTag","someOtherTag","","long text","more text", "- text- more text- so much text"
"someID","someVersionNumber","someTag","someOtherTag","","long text","more text", "- text- more text- so much text"
...i.e. the output would be one line of CSV per .toml
file plus the header at the top (always the same CSV header and number of columns since the .toml
files are predictable).
Am I looking at sed, awk, or something even simpler? I have looked at some related questions but feel I must be missing something as I'm getting too much functionality:
If there were only one input file, I'd go with a Perl one-liner. Unfortunately, it comes out rather complex:
perl -pe 'if(/"""/&&s/"""/"/.../"""/&&s/"""/"\n/){s/[\n\r]//;};if(/ = \[([^]]*)]/){$r=$1eq""?"\"\"":$1=~s/"\s*,\s*"/ /gr;s/ = \[([^]]*)]/ = $r/};s/"\s*#[^"\n]*$/"/' one.toml | perl -ne 'if(/^([^"]+) = "(.*)"/){push@k,$1;push@v,"\"$2\""}END{print((join",",@k),"\n",join",",@v)}'
Things only get worse if we need to operate on multiple (*
) files at once:
perl -ne 'if(/"""/&&s/"""/"/.../"""/&&s/"""/"\n/){s/[\n\r]//;};if(/ = \[([^]]*)]/){$r=$1eq""?"\"\"":$1=~s/"\s*,\s*"/ /gr;s/ = \[([^]]*)]/ = $r/};s/"\s*#[^"\n]*$/"/;print;print"-\n"if eof' *.toml | perl -ne 'if(/^-$/){push@o,join",",@k if scalar@o==0;push@o,join",",@v;@k=@v=()};if(/^([^"]+) = "(.*)"/){push@k,$1;push@v,"\"$2\""}END{print join"\n",@o}'
These two factors call for a structured script. Here it is in Perl, but the same can be done in Python or any language you're comfortable with:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict; use warnings; my @output;
foreach my $filename (@ARGV) {
my $content, my @lines, my $replace, my @keys, my @values;
open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", $filename or die "Could not open $filename: $!";
{local $/; $content = <$fh>;}
$content =~ s/"""([^"]*)"""/'"' . $1=~s#[\r\n]##rg . '"'/ge;
@lines = split (/[\r\n]/, $content);
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if ($line =~ m/ = \[([^]]*)]/) {
$replace = $1 eq "" ? '""' : $1 =~ s/"\s*,\s*"/ /gr;
$line =~ s/ = \[([^]]*)]/ = $replace/
$line =~ s/"\s*#[^"]*$/"/;
$line =~ m/^([^"]+) = "(.*)"/;
push @keys, $1;
push @values, '"' . $2 . '"'
push @output, join ",", @keys if scalar @output == 0;
push @output, join ",", @values
print join "\n", @output
Much of the complexity is due to having to deal with arrays (!), comments and multiline strings. Some preprocessing is needed for each, and that's what takes up most of the solution length. Moreover, additional information would be needed about possible corner cases and how to deal with them (e.g. how to fit an array of strings in a CSV). All of this only underlines the importance of input data quality and consistence. The proposed solution is by no means complete or robust, as it does make several assumptions about input data and the desired output format. Here's how I tackled the mentioned issues:
or arrays of strings ["my", "array"]
. In the absence of a clear specification by the OP, they translate to a single string that is the concatenation of all element strings. No line breaks are allowed within an array, nor can an array contain other arrays.Test run:
$ perl toml-to-csv.pl *.toml
"someID1","someVersionNumber1","someTag1","someOtherTag1","","long text1","more text1","- text- more text- so much text"
"someID2","someVersionNumber2","someTag2","someOtherTag2","Array","long text2","more text2","- text- more text- so much text"
"someID3","someVersionNumber3","someTag3","someOtherTag3","My array","long text3","more text3","- text- more text- so much text"