I'm finished with my project and I'm trying to deploy it to AWS. I have an ec2 instance as my webserver with the following configuration details:
My problem is I'm having trouble establishing a connection from my local machine to my AWS ec2 instance that has the MYSQL db inside of it. I opened up MYSQL workbench and I can connect to it just fine there but when I try and establish a connection string to the DB from node.js it gives me an error.
I was able to successfully connect to the DB within MYSQL workbench but how can I connect to it now from nodejs connection string?
What I already tried was the following:
1) In AWS security group opening up TCP Rule for all incoming traffic at port 5000
2) In AWS security group opening up MYSQL/Aurora Rule for all incoming traffic at port 3306
3) Granting all privileges on . to user and flushing and restarting mysql server.
Error it gives me in the console.
`{ Error: connect ECONNREFUSED 14.54.xxx.xx:3306
at Object._errnoException (util.js:1019:11)
at _exceptionWithHostPort (util.js:1041:20)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1175:14)
syscall: 'connect',
address: '14.54.xxx.xxx',
port: 3306,
fatal: true }`
Here is my code trying to establish the connection:
```var mysql = require("mysql");
// Local Works just fine
// var connection = mysql.createConnection({
// host: "localhost",
// user: "root",
// password: "xxx",
// database: "devdb",
// charset: "utf8mb4"
// });
// Production Connection to AWS MYSQL instance (stuck on)
var connection = mysql.createConnection({
host: "14.54.xxx.xxx",
port: "3306",
user: "jordan",
password: "xxx",
database: "productiondb"
charset: "utf8mb4"
// Test the db connection
connection.connect(function(err) {
if (err) {
} else {
module.exports = connection;
I expect to be able to successfully connect to the db instance from my NodeJS
Actually I think I just figured it out.
So the default mysql configuration file has the ip binded to However, I changed the binding to my ec2 public ip and also changed the default "mysql" to "jordan" and I saved the configuration file, restarted the mysql service and it now works.
Thank you for the suggestions I'll write this down in my documentation to check for in the future.