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bat to convert csv format with all merged lines saved by Kantu Selenium Ide need conversion in a csv with all separated lines

I use Kantu Seleniun Ide to extract from webpages and save data in csv.

Kantu Seleniun Ide save all data extracted in csv with all lines merged, I need a classic format of csv with all lines separated.

I need a bat file to convert these csv with all merged lines in classic csv with separated lines for windows 7.

Csv saved by Kantu Seleniun Ide csv with merged lines

Csv in classic format with separated lines enter image description here


  • I would suggest that your lines are not being output merged at all but they're simply being viewed in the wrong program, notepad.exe.

    The problem is most likely that your program outputs the CSV using Unix or Mac, LF or CR line endings instead of Windows CRLF.

    If your file is using Unix LF, endings, (most likely), then you could fix that by using:

    Find /V ""<"test.csv">"converted.csv"

    Then open converted.csv in Windows notepad to verify the conversion.