I have a homework task with a given main.cpp code which is not allowed to be changed. According to that main.cpp and simple input and output(which is down below) example I must to finish the program.
My tries are: I'm trying to create 4 classes, class Person; class Worker; class Student; class InService; in my main function through instantiating an object of InService class I pass 4 parameters (name, sex, studentNo, workerNo); and with help of pointer of type of Base class, have the desired output. The error it shows is:
[Error] no unique final overrider for 'virtual std::string Person::getName()' in 'InService' [Error] no unique final overrider for 'virtual int Person::getSex()' in 'InService'
I've tried to use virtual inheritance for that, but I can't really figure out how to solve this problem. I did some research on virtual inheritance, and referenced to other experts answers, but still getting confused with whole OOP stuff.
using namespace std;
class Person{
string name;
int sex;
virtual string getName() = 0;
virtual int getSex() = 0;
class Student:virtual public Person{
string sno;
virtual string getName() {
return name;
virtual int getSex(){
return sex;
string getSno(){
return sno;
class Worker:virtual public Person{
string wno;
virtual std::string getName(){
return name;
virtual int getSex(){
return sex;
string getWno(){
return wno;
class InService: public Student, public Worker{
InService(string _name, int _sex, string _sno, string _wno){
Person::name = _name;
Person::sex - _sex;
Worker::wno = _wno;
Student::sno = _sno;
#include <iostream>
#include "inservice.h"
using namespace std;
int main() {
string name, sno, wno;
int sex;
cin >> name;
cin >> sex;
cin >> sno;
cin >> wno;
InService is(name, sex, sno, wno);
Person* p = &is;
Student* s = &is;
Worker* w = &is;
cout << p->getName() << endl;
cout << p->getSex() << endl;
cout << s->getName() << endl;
cout << s->getSex() << endl;
cout << s->getSno() << endl;
cout << w->getName() << endl;
cout << w->getSex() << endl;
cout << w->getWno() << endl;
return 0;
Suppose my input is:
1 //1-for male; 0 -for female
12345678 //studentNo
87654321 //workerNo
I expect the output to be:
InService(string _name, int _sex, string _sno, string _wno){
Person::name = _name;
Person::sex - _sex;
Worker::wno = _wno;
Student::sno = _sno;
There's a typo there, Person::sex - _sex; should be Person::sex = _sex;
Also you can remove name and sex virtual function and have it just a standard function in Person, since it's exactly the same for all classes that derive from it. That will remove the ambiguity of which getName and getSex function that InService class virtual table needs to point to.