I am using BootstrapValidator and I'm having an issue with resetting the form. When I put ":hidden" in the excluded list (I have fields that are hidden that I need to skip validation on when they are not showing) the form will not reset. I have included images and more text below:
framework: 'bootstrap',
excluded: [':disabled', ':hidden'],
feedbackIcons: {
valid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok',
invalid: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove',
validating: 'glyphicon glyphicon-refresh'
fields: {
txtStepName: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'A valid step name is required.'
ddlCMCreateGroup: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'CM creation group is required.'
ddlAssignGroup: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'Assign group is required.'
ddlExpireGroup: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'Expire group is required.'
txtDaysToExpire: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'Expire days is required.'
txtStepNumber: {
validators: {
notEmpty: {
message: 'Step number is required.'
//View/Edit button click
$("#tblLifecycle tbody").on('click', 'button', function () {
var oTable = $('#tblLifecycle').DataTable();
var data = oTable.row($(this).parents("tr")).data();
$('#frmLifecycleAddEdit').bootstrapValidator('resetForm', true);
if ($('#ddlLifecycleName').val() == 'Accident') {
$('#mtAddEditStep').text('Edit Accident Step');
} else {
$('#mtAddEditStep').text('Edit Countermeasure Step');
I am trying to reset the form during the button click.
$("#tblLifecycle tbody").on('click', 'button', function () {
var oTable = $('#tblLifecycle').DataTable();
var data = oTable.row($(this).parents("tr")).data();
$('#frmLifecycleAddEdit').bootstrapValidator('resetForm', true);
if ($('#ddlLifecycleName').val() == 'Accident') {
$('#mtAddEditStep').text('Edit Accident Step');
} else {
$('#mtAddEditStep').text('Edit Countermeasure Step');
Does anyone know what is happening? When I remove the ':hidden' attribute it works, but I need it in there to allow validation when all fields are not present.
Thanks in advance!
if you dont show control , then you cant reset, so you need to enable/disable validation to solve this dilemma.
make your input hidden in first place. make excluded: ':disabled' in validation settings, as if you validate hidden fields...
if (condition)
$("#mytextbox").css("display", "block");
$('#Form').data('bootstrapValidator').enableFieldValidators('mytextbox', true);
} else
$("#mytextbox").css("display", "none");
$('#Form').data('bootstrapValidator').enableFieldValidators('mytextbox', false);