I'm currently processing Z-stack images of some cells I took. I want to project these images similar to the ZProjection
function in ImageJ.
After importing them (see below), I have a 3d stack of images. I continue with perforing a numpy function on the 3rd / Z-dimension as follows:
import numpy as np
projection = np.**(img, axis=2)
** == max, std, sum, mean
When I plt.imshow
the different mathematical operations, however, I don't see any differences and they most certainly don't look like the ImageJ ones (see comparison below). Maybe anyone has an idea on what is going wrong.
Thanks in advance, BBQuercus :)
Image import:
import os
import numpy as np
# File path
root = '/Folder'
# Import all images in root
img = np.zeros((1002, 1004)) # Pixel size
for file in os.listdir(root):
if not file.endswith('.tif'):
_img = imread(os.path.join(root, file))
if 'c1' in file:
img = np.dstack((img, _img))
Images (full dataset is too large to show), Top – numpy.std, Bottom – ImageJ std (on full stack):
I answered it using the following, pretty cool commands:
import fijibin.macro
in_folder = '/Infolder'
out_name = '/Outname'
macro = """run("Image Sequence...", "open=[{}] file=c1 sort use");
run("Z Project...", "projection=[Standard Deviation]");
saveAs("Tiff", "{}");
close();""".format(in_folder, out_name)
Then I just import the outfile into a new np.array.
Maybe someone can use it for the future.