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How to insert multiple data before close tag in xml file?

I want to generate sitemap.xml via PHP with DOMDocument

Now I have three array:

$category[] = array(
    'loc' => '',
    'lastmod' => '2019-05-12 10:47:05',
    'changefreq' => 'always', 
    'priority' => '1.0'
$board[] = array(
    'loc' => '',
    'lastmod' => '2019-05-12 10:47:05',
    'changefreq' => 'always', 
    'priority' => '1.0'
$article[] = array(
    'loc' => ''.$row['id'],
    'lastmod' => $row['last_mod'],
    'changefreq' => $row['changefreq'],
    'priority' => $row['priority']

The options:

//Set Sitemap
$seoOption = array(
    'version' => '1.0',
    'charset' => 'UTF-8',
    'xml_filename' => 'seo.xml'
$seo = new SitemapGenerator($seoOption);

And this is my function:

class SitemapGenerator
    public static $document = null;
    private static $options = array();

    public function __construct($option = array())
        if (isset($option)) {
            self::$options = $option;
            //Initialize DOMDocument class
            if (!self::$document) {
                self::$document = new DOMDocument(self::$options['version'], self::$options['charset']);
                self::$document->formatOutput = true;
                self::$document->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
        } else {
            return 'Could not find option';

    public function generateXML($result)
        $xml = $this->createElement('urlset');
        //Set the attributes.
        $xml->setAttribute('xmlns', '');
        foreach ($result as $var) {
            $var['lastmod'] = $this->trimLastmod($var['lastmod']);
            $item = $this->createElement('url');
            $this->createItem($item, $var);

    public function finishGenerateXML()

    private function trimLastmod($value)
        return date('c', strtotime($value));

    //Create element
    private function createElement($element)
        return self::$document->createElement($element);

    //Append child node
    private function appendChild($child)
        return self::$document->appendChild($child);

    //Add item
    private function createItem($item, $data, $attribute = array())
        if (is_array($data)) {
            foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
                //Create an element, the element name cannot begin with a number
                is_numeric($key{0}) && exit($key.' Error: First char cannot be a number');
                $temp = self::$document->createElement($key);
                //Add element value
                $text = self::$document->createTextNode($val);
                if (isset($attribute[$key])) {
                    foreach ($attribute[$key] as $akey => $row) {
                        //Create attribute node
                        $temps = self::$document->createAttribute($akey);
                        //Create attribute value node
                        $aval = self::$document->createTextNode($row);

    //Return xml string
    private function saveXML()
        return self::$document->saveXML();

    //Save xml file to path
    private function saveFile($fpath)
        //Write file
        $writeXML = file_put_contents($fpath, self::$document->saveXML());
        if ($writeXML === true) {
            return self::$document->saveXML();
        } else {
            return 'Could not write into file';

    //Load xml file
    public function loadSitemap($fpath)
        if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
            exit($fpath.' is a invalid file');
        //Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure
        return print self::$document->saveXML();

Which result I want to get:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">

And the actual result:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
<urlset xmlns="">
<urlset xmlns="">

It generate duplicate <urlset> tags..


  • If you modify the generateXML method and move the pieces of code that create the urlset to a new method you can then call generateXML many times without generating the urlset repeatedly. Below the __construct, generateXML were modified and a new method addurlset added...

        class SitemapGenerator{
            public static $document = null;
            private static $options = array();
            public function __construct( $option = array() ){
                if( isset( $option ) ) {
                    self::$options = $option;
                    if (!self::$document) {
                        self::$document = new DOMDocument(self::$options['version'], self::$options['charset']);
                        self::$document->formatOutput = true;
                        self::$document->preserveWhiteSpace = false;
                        /* generate the urlset once */
                } else {
                    return 'Could not find option';
            /* generate the root node - urlset */
            private function addurlset(){
                $urlset=$this->createElement( 'urlset' );
                $urlset->setAttribute('xmlns', '');
                $this->appendChild( $urlset );
            /* add item to xml */
            public function generateXML( $result=array() ){
                if( !empty( $result ) && is_array( $result ) ){
                    foreach ($result as $var) {
                        $var['lastmod'] = $this->trimLastmod($var['lastmod']);
                        $item = $this->createElement('url');
                        $this->createItem($item, $var);
            public function finishGenerateXML()
            private function trimLastmod($value)
                return date('c', strtotime($value));
            //Create element
            private function createElement($element)
                return self::$document->createElement($element);
            //Append child node
            private function appendChild($child)
                return self::$document->appendChild($child);
            //Add item
            private function createItem($item, $data, $attribute = array())
                if (is_array($data)) {
                    foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
                        //Create an element, the element name cannot begin with a number
                        is_numeric($key{0}) && exit($key.' Error: First char cannot be a number');
                        $temp = self::$document->createElement($key);
                        //Add element value
                        $text = self::$document->createTextNode($val);
                        if (isset($attribute[$key])) {
                            foreach ($attribute[$key] as $akey => $row) {
                                //Create attribute node
                                $temps = self::$document->createAttribute($akey);
                                //Create attribute value node
                                $aval = self::$document->createTextNode($row);
            //Return xml string
            private function saveXML()
                return self::$document->saveXML();
            //Save xml file to path
            private function saveFile($fpath)
                //Write file
                $writeXML = file_put_contents($fpath, self::$document->saveXML());
                if ($writeXML === true) {
                    return self::$document->saveXML();
                } else {
                    return 'Could not write into file';
            //Load xml file
            public function loadSitemap($fpath)
                if (!file_exists($fpath)) {
                    exit($fpath.' is a invalid file');
                //Returns TRUE on success, or FALSE on failure
                return print self::$document->saveXML();
        }//end class
        $category[] = array(
            'loc' => '',
            'lastmod' => '2019-05-12 10:47:05',
            'changefreq' => 'always', 
            'priority' => '1.0'
        $board[] = array(
            'loc' => '',
            'lastmod' => '2019-05-12 10:47:05',
            'changefreq' => 'always', 
            'priority' => '1.0'
        $article[] = array(
            'loc' => '',
            'lastmod' => '2019-05-13 10:47:05',
            'changefreq' => 'weekly',
            'priority' => '0.5'
        $seoOption = array(
            'version'       => '1.0',
            'charset'       => 'UTF-8',
            'xml_filename'  => 'seo.xml'
        $seo = new SitemapGenerator($seoOption);