how to replace substitute string in cloudbuild.yaml?
I want to set appengine version as $TAG_NAME with cloudbuild. Since the version only accept hyphen, I need to replace the dot to hyphen first.
I tried:
- name: ''
args: ['app', 'deploy', '--no-promote', "--version=$(echo $TAG_NAME | sed 's/[.]/-/g')"]
timeout: '1600s'
But got
ERROR: ( argument --version/-v: Bad value [$(echo 0.0.1a4 | sed 's/[.]/-/g')]: May only contain lowercase letters, digits, and hyphens. Must begin and end with a letter or digit. Must not exceed 63 characters.
I end up with the solution
- name: ''
- '-c'
- |
gcloud app deploy --version=${version//./-}
entrypoint: bash