I have a a control which I want to validate:
<mat-form-field class="example-full-width">
<input matInput placeholder="Title " required [formControl]="titleFormControl">
<mat-error *ngIf="titleFormControl.hasError('required')">
Title is <strong>required</strong>
<mat-error *ngIf="titleFormControl.hasError('duplicate')">
Name already used
and in the component I have something like
titleFormControl = new FormControl('', {
validators: [
ngOnInit(): void {
isNameDuplicate(): void {
const ret = this.data.findIndex((item, index) =>
index !== this.selSheetIndex && item.id >= 0 && this.titleFormControl.value === item.title) >= 0;
if (ret) {
this.titleFormControl.setErrors({ 'duplicate': true });
this.titleFormControl.markAsDirty(); // doesn't help neither :-/
If I change the text the mat-error
is displayed immediately if the title is missing. When I change the content so isNameDuplicate()
results in an error the control has an error 'duplicate'
I would expect that mat-error
is displayed immediately but somehow this is not true. The evaluation of mat-error
(for 'duplicate'
) is only triggered if I change the focus, e.g. change into another field. (while 'required'
is displayed immediately)
Is there a way to trigger the evaluation manually so the 'duplicate'
error mat-error
is displayed as well immediately?
Note: I know I could do it with an error matcher but frankly said I have no clue how to apply a check with a given list. Therefore I am looking for a solution for this approach.
try with this (ValidatorFn):
titleFormControl = new FormControl('', {
validators: [
this.isNameDuplicate.bind(this) // <----- Custom validator method call
isNameDuplicate(control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: boolean } | null {
const ret = this.data.findIndex((item, index) => index !== this.selSheetIndex && item.id >= 0 && this.titleFormControl.value === item.title) >= 0;
if (ret) {
return { duplicate: true };
in html
<mat-error *ngIf="titleFormControl.hasError('duplicate')">
Name already used