I am trying to get the height and width of a jpeg image in the commandline.
I typed gm identify img300.jpg and get a long line that outputs JPEG 3264x2448+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 1.8Mi 0.000u 0m:0.000002s
I looked in the manual for the gm command and it says I can get just the image dimensions with the -density option.
So I tried gm identify -density img300.jpg [Option requires an arguement]
gm identify img300.jpg -density [no such file or directory]
debian 9, latest graphicsmagick package is the environment.
You can get the width like this:
gm identify -format %w image.png
And the height like this:
gm identify -format %h image.png
If you want height in a variable:
h=$(gm identify -format %h image.png)
If you want both in variables in one go:
read w h < <(gm identify -format "%w %h" image.png )
echo $w, $h