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How to display emails in an angular app like it gets displayed in an email client

I am currently trying to develop a web app to display EMails to the user. It is important for me that the emails get displayed like they get in an email client (e.g. gmail). I use the gmail api to import emails to my database then I get the messageparts from the emails into my angular app. The problem is that I am not able to display html emails with the propert styling. It seems like html tags get used correclty but the original styling seems to be lost

I am using angular 7, and spring boot. To collect the Emails I use the gmail api and import them into a postgresql database. I tried to use iframes so my app styling doesn't get in the way of the email styling but it gets displayed the same way.

How I prepare the emails

private String getMessageContent(Message message) {
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        try {
            if(message.getPayload().getParts() != null) {
                handleEmailMainContent(message.getPayload().getParts(), stringBuilder);
                byte[] bodyBytes = Base64.decodeBase64(stringBuilder.toString());
                return new String(bodyBytes, "UTF-8");
            } else {
                return "";
        } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
           System.out.println("UnsupportedEncoding: " + e.toString());
            return message.getSnippet();

    private void handleEmailMainContent(List<MessagePart> messageParts, StringBuilder stringBuilder) {
        for (MessagePart messagePart : messageParts) {
            switch (messagePart.getMimeType()) {
                case "text/plain":
                    handleMimeTypeTextPlain(messagePart, stringBuilder);
                case "text/html":
                    handleMimeTypeTextHtml(messagePart, stringBuilder);

Note: selectedEmail.mainContent is the String I build above


The content inside mainContent are phishing emails I try to collect and display. The example is a html email I try to display. I ommited the links and most of the spam content.

---------- Forwarded message --------- Von: emailaddress Date: Fr., 10. Mai 2019 um 22:06 Uhr Subject: Name, Give mom the gifts she wants To: emailaddress

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-ommited SPAM-

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own Example

I tried to send a minimalistic html email to myself containing this content:

<div dir="ltr"><i>dummy</i></div>

and it worked just fine. Maybe the problem is an external class which does not get displayed/loaded and/or not exported by the gmail api

How I tried to display it

    Current Email
  <mat-card-content [innerHTML]="selectedEmail.mainContent">

I want to display emails like they get displayed in gmail instead I was only able to display plain text and basic styling through html tags. I don't understand at which of my steps the styling gets lost or if I do not correctly display the emails.


  • Angular security Blocks dynamic rendering of HTML and other scripts. You need to bypass them using DOM Sanitizer.

    Read more here : Angular Security

    DO below changes in your code :

        // in your component.ts file
        //import this 
        import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';
        export class TestComponent{
        public htmlData :any ; 
        // in constructor create object 
        private sanitizer: DomSanitizer
          /* this method must be called after getting the value of selectedEmail.mainContent 
       from service  */
         this.htmlData = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(selectedEmail.mainContent); // this line bypasses angular security

    And in compoenent.html

    <div [innerHtml]="htmlData"> </div>

    Here is the working StackBlitz : Working Demo