I created a web service named WildflyTest and a method called HelloWorld and deployed it to my wildfly 11 server,the server ip is tried to test using SoapUI, and I can open the wsdl address But when I tested it in SOAP Ui, when I created a new request, the address is http://localhost:8086/WildflyTest instead of anyone give me some suggestion where to check the reason? Thx.
The issue is with your bind address. By default, public
interface is configured to listen on the loopback address of So if you start WildFly as: ./bin/standalone.sh
Then the WildFly default page can be accessed as Usually, /etc/hosts provide a mapping of to localhost, and so the same page is accessible at http://localhost:8080. 8080 is the HTTP port where all applications are accessed.
On a multihomed machine, you may like to start WildFly and bind public
interface to a specific IP address. This can be easily done as:
./bin/standalone.sh -b= //your server ip
Now the applications can be accessed at
Refer following links for more info: