From the below logs how can i grep '951792' values alone
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952296 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951792 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] Recording A8602096210405800406L200218680503121519 size is 4145956224 bytes
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952387 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951895 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] RecordingInfo = fffocap://0x401e
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952466 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951934 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] recording_dvr_from_recording_info:physicalSegmentCount=10
I tried with java split/substring operations. but line of code is high. using regex how can i get '951792
' values
The output will be
Here, we might want to simply use the right boundary [mod
next to our desired digits and collect the digits in our first capturing group, maybe similar to this:
If we wish, we can add more boundaries, such as:
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
final String regex = "(.+?)([0-9]+)\\s\\[m.+";
final String string = "2019 May 22 03:32:17.952296 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951792 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] Recording A8602096210405800406L200218680503121519 size is 4145956224 bytes\n"
+ "2019 May 22 03:32:17.952387 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951895 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] RecordingInfo = fffocap://0x401e\n"
+ "2019 May 22 03:32:17.952466 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951934 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] recording_dvr_from_recording_info:physicalSegmentCount=10 \n";
final String subst = "\\2";
final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex, Pattern.MULTILINE);
final Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(string);
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
final String result = matcher.replaceAll(subst);
System.out.println("Substitution result: " + result);
const regex = /(.+?)([0-9]+)\s\[m.+/gm;
const str = `2019 May 22 03:32:17.952296 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951792 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] Recording A8602096210405800406L200218680503121519 size is 4145956224 bytes
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952387 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951895 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] RecordingInfo = fffocap://0x401e
2019 May 22 03:32:17.952466 france1v4 sh[4937]: 190522-03:32:17.951934 [mod=REC, lvl=INFO] [tid=26130] recording_dvr_from_recording_info:physicalSegmentCount=10
const subst = `$2`;
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
const result = str.replace(regex, subst);
console.log('Substitution result: ', result);
If this expression wasn't desired, it can be modified or changed in visualizes regular expressions: