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What does classname functionname(const classname & objectname) means?

I have an assigment where we should do resistor calculations (series and parallel) using the following class :

class R1 {

   double R , cost_in_euro ;
      string unit ;
public :

   R1(double R , const string & unit , double cost_in_euro);
   R1(double R , double cost_in_euro);
   R1(double R);
   R1(const R1 & R);

   R1 serie(const R1 & R1);
   R1 parallel(const R1 & R1);


My question is regarding the functions serie and parallel . How am i supposed to add 2 resistors using a function that only takes one single object as an argument?


  • You only need one parameter because the class contains the information for one R, and the parameter contains the information for the other R.

        class R1 {
            double R , cost_in_euro ;
                string unit ;
            public :
            R1(double R , const string & unit , double cost_in_euro);
            R1(double R , double cost_in_euro);
            R1(double R);
            R1(const R1 & R);
            R1 serie(const R1 & other)
                double total = other.R + R;
                return R1(total);
            R1 parallel(const R1 & other)
                double r1 = other.R;
                double r2 = R;
                double total = (r1*r2)/(r1 + r2);
                return R1(total);