Converting Sympy derived equations to be compatible with scipy.optimize.newton for multivariate problem
I referred to Error using 'exp' in sympy -TypeError and Attribute Error is displayed. I found out that using lambdify will make the symbolic equations compatible with other packages such as numpy and scipy.
This is a continuation of my previous post: Error using 'exp' in sympy -TypeError and Attribute Error is displayed
import numpy as np
import sympy as sym
import scipy.optimize
from sympy import symbols, diff, exp, log, power
from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify
data = [3, 33, 146, 227, 342, 351, 353, 444, 556, 571, 709, 759, 836, 860, 968, 1056, 1726, 1846, 1872, 1986, 2311, 2366, 2608, 2676, 3098, 3278, 3288, 4434, 5034, 5049, 5085, 5089, 5089, 5097, 5324, 5389,5565, 5623, 6080, 6380, 6477, 6740, 7192, 7447, 7644, 7837, 7843, 7922, 8738, 10089, 10237, 10258, 10491, 10625, 10982, 11175, 11411, 11442, 11811, 12559, 12559, 12791, 13121, 13486, 14708, 15251, 15261, 15277, 15806, 16185, 16229, 16358, 17168, 17458, 17758, 18287, 18568, 18728, 19556, 20567, 21012, 21308, 23063, 24127, 25910, 26770, 27753, 28460, 28493, 29361, 30085, 32408, 35338, 36799, 37642, 37654, 37915, 39715, 40580, 42015, 42045, 42188, 42296, 42296, 45406, 46653, 47596, 48296, 49171, 49416, 50145, 52042, 52489, 52875, 53321, 53443, 54433, 55381, 56463, 56485, 56560, 57042, 62551, 62651, 62661, 63732, 64103, 64893, 71043, 74364, 75409, 76057, 81542, 82702, 84566, 88682]
n = len(data)
tn = data[n-1]
b, c = sym.symbols('b c', real=True)
f = -(-n +sum([sym.log(b*c*(num**(c-1))*sym.exp(-b*(num**c))) for num in data]))
bh = lambdify((b,c),diff(f,b),"numpy")
ch = lambdify((b,c),diff(f,c),"numpy")
sol = scipy.optimize.newton([bh,ch],(0.00404,1.0))
I can't seem to get the Newton's method working. Any information or resources is appreciated.
Instead of defining symbols, we can use the 'DeferredVector' in sympy to define the symbols. Instead of
b, c = sym.symbols('b c', real=True)
f = -(-n +sum([sym.log(b*c*(num**(c-1))*sym.exp(-b*(num**c))) for num in data]))
bh = lambdify((b,c),diff(f,b),"numpy")
ch = lambdify((b,c),diff(f,c),"numpy"
do the following: x = DeferredVector('x') f = -(-n +sum([sym.log(x[0]x[1](num**(c-1)) for num in data]))
Now use diff w.r.t x[0] and x[1] and run the scipy.optimize.newton().