I am getting the error
Pattern cannot match values of type 'SKError'
However, when I looked up the code for SKError
with store kit I have typed in the errors correctly and could not find a solution. (Getting 4 errors - Pattern cannot match values of type 'SKError' - for each case in switch error).
func alertForPurchaseResult(result : PurchaseResult) -> UIAlertController {
switch result {
case .success(let product):
print("Purchase Succesful: \(product.productId)")
return alertWithTitle(title: "Thank You", message: "Purchase completed")
case .error(let error):
print("Purchase Failed: \(error)")
switch error {
case .failed(let error):
if (error as NSError).domain == SKErrorDomain {
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "Check your internet connection or try again later.")
else {
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "Unknown Error. Please Contact Support")
case .invalidProductId(let productID):
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "\(productID) is not a valid product identifier")
case .noProductIdentifier:
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "Product not found")
case .paymentNotAllowed:
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "You are not allowed to make payments")
func purchase(purchase: RegisteredPurchase){
SwiftyStoreKit.purchaseProduct(bundleID + "." + purchase.rawValue, completion: {
result in
if case .success(let product) = result {
if product.needsFinishTransaction{
self.showAlert(alert: self.alertForPurchaseResult(result: result))
I’m inferring that your PurchaseResult
is something like:
typealias PurchaseResult = CustomResult<Product, SKError>
(I don’t know what your Result
type is, but all I know is that the standard Result
type is .failure
or .success
, and yours has .error
instead of .failure
I’m also assuming that you must have your own error type, e.g.:
enum MyAppError: Error {
case invalidProductId(String)
case noProductIdentifier
case paymentNotAllowed
So, I’d first change PurchaseResult
to allow any relevant error types:
typealias PurchaseResult = CustomResult<Product, Error>
And then handle the various types of errors
func alertForPurchaseResult(result: PurchaseResult) -> UIAlertController {
switch result {
case .success(let product):
return alertWithTitle(title: "Thank You", message: "Purchase completed")
case .error(let error as SKError):
switch error.code {
case .unknown:
case .clientInvalid:
case .paymentCancelled:
case .paymentInvalid:
case .paymentNotAllowed:
case .storeProductNotAvailable:
case .cloudServicePermissionDenied:
case .cloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed:
case .cloudServiceRevoked:
case .privacyAcknowledgementRequired:
case .unauthorizedRequestData:
case .invalidOfferIdentifier:
case .invalidSignature:
case .missingOfferParams:
case .invalidOfferPrice:
@unknown default:
case .error(let error as MyAppError):
switch error {
case .invalidProductId(let productID):
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "\(productID) is not a valid product identifier")
case .noProductIdentifier:
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "Product not found")
case .paymentNotAllowed:
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "You are not allowed to make payments")
case .error:
return alertWithTitle(title: "Purchase Failed", message: "Unknown Error. Please Contact Support.")
The @unknown
keyword in if you’re using Swift 5. You can omit that if using earlier Swift versions.
By the way, if you’re wondering about that SKError
enumerations, when I did a switch
for the .code
of the SKError
, it gave me a “fix” suggestion and it populated all those for me.