I don't understand the way Bixby retains data from previous NL Input. The following example uses the capsule capsule-sample-shirt.
find 2 medium shirts
to get a list of shirts. find 2 medium shirts
and expect Bixby again to present me with the list of shirts, just like the first time. Instead of the expected list of shirts now, Bixby asks me again Are you sure you want to buy this? with the Collar Dress Shirt that I previously selected.Why is Bixby not showing the list of shirts the second time find 2 medium shirts
is given as NL input? What would need to happen to make Bixby show the list with this NL input after the first time?
List of shirts after NL Input:
Bixby waits for confirmation:
Bixby saying it canceled the prompt:
Bixby doesn't show the list but instead immediately asks for confirmation:
This is the AI part about Bixby.
Each conversation (utterance) without pressing the reset key is considered a continuation of last utterance (if any). Thus make the choice of Collar Dress and cancel it, but later ask to find 2 medium shirts again, Bixby will try to fill-in the blank with last choice user made.
One clear issue is that now has no way to change the type of shirt unless reset, but fix would be easy, make the image of shirt clickable and link actions in view model Confirmation.view.bxb
image-card {
aspect-ratio (4:3)
image-url ("[#{value(item.shirt.images[0].url)}]")
title-area {
halign (Start)
slot1 {
text {
value ("")
style (Title_M)
// Add on-click here
You can add on-click similar to change the size and quantity
input-cell {
label ("Quantity")
value ("#{value(item.quantity)}")
on-click {
//This intent relies on searchTerm matching the item which is not a good practice, a better approach
//was to allow an ID as input to SelectItem and use `this.id` in the intent
intent {
goal {
@context (Continuation) { Order }
value { SearchTerm$expr(item.shirt.title) }
route { GetQuantity }
You may need to add other models to properly promote user.
Hope this will help, and have fun with Bixby!