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TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str', but I have a bytes object

I am attempting to decode XML that is spit out by According to their documentation, this is "compressed using standard deflate".

I am using code provided in this question to do to inflation.

import zlib
import base64

def decode_base64_and_inflate( b64string ):
    decoded_data = base64.b64decode( b64string )
    return zlib.decompress( decoded_data , -15)

Sample input file:


I am reading this like so:

from xml.dom import minidom
from urllib.parse import unquote
xmldoc = minidom.parse('samplescratchpad.xml')
buildings = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName('mxlibrary')
# I know eval is bad, but this was being returned as '[...]' instead of 
# just a list.
all_buildings = eval(buildings[0].firstChild.nodeValue)
for building in all_buildings:

The output of the first two print statements are:

<class 'bytes'>

The last print, where I try to convert the above into more standard XML, fails:

  File "", line 36, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/urllib/", line 537, in unquote
    if '%' not in string:
TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'

How do I fix this so that the bytes object I have (see first two print outputs) works when I attempt to unquote it?

Bonus: Is the eval really needed on my all_buildings = line?


  • You've got the problem backwards, actually, because the error message is misleading.

    Your argument is a bytes-like object, but the unquote function is using the expression '%' in string, and '%' is not a bytes-like object, which doesn't work. Either both operands must be bytes or both must be str.

    Python misleadingly tells you to change the first operand ('%') to bytes, but since that's a hard-coded part of the function, that isn't possible. You need to turn the other argument into a str instead.

    Try to replace




    This will decode the bytes as a UTF8-encoded Unicode string (most likely the correct encoding), and yield a str that can be passed to unquote().

    Edit: The reason Python uses this error message is that the in operator is internally a method call on the second operand; that is, a in b is evaluated as b.__contains__(a). Therefore, b determines what type a is allowed to have, not the other way around - which means Python will tell you to change the first operand's type, rather than telling you to change the second one.