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DataTable to Combobox - SelectedValue not being set in UI, two values returned

I know this is an almost persistent issue cropping up with SelectedItem with regards to databound ComboBox elements, but I'm also now struggling with this issue.


<ComboBox x:Name="Price_List" BorderBrush="Gainsboro" Margin="5"  Grid.Column="1" Grid.Row="0" Grid.ColumnSpan="2" Background="{x:Null}"/>


Using Sql As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConnStr)

    Using sqlcmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand(SQLQuery, Sql)

        Dim DA As New SqlDataAdapter
        Dim DS As New DataSet
        Dim DT As New DataTable

        With DT.Columns
        End With

        With Price_List
            .ItemsSource = DT.DefaultView
            .DisplayMemberPath = "description"
            .SelectedValuePath = "price_list"
        End With

        DA.SelectCommand = sqlcmd
    End Using
End Using

SelectedValue is sort of working, as evidenced by a Debug.Print of the value in the SelectionChanged, but it is returning two values (one NULL) on each change - why would this be?

Obviously in this regard, the SelectedValue is always going to be different to the DisplayMember, so how do I force WPF to display it?


  • If you move it back insert some breakpoints in Main_Tabs_SelectionChanged and ensure the code is only executing once.
