I'm new to JavaFX and I would like to do the following:
Whenever the value of one of my four textfields is changed, I would like a fifth textfield to calculate the sum of the values from the others. Lets assume the values come already as numbers.
Code looks like this:
power1KW = new TextField();
power2KW = new TextField();
... etc.
powerSumKW = new TextField();
How do I do this properly? Do I add a ChangeListener on each of my powerXKW-TextFields? And calculate on change?
Or do I need to add an EventHandler for my powerSumKW-Textfield? How can I handle the Event fired only by the powerXKW-TextFields?
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
I would just bind the textProperty of the 5th Textfield to the other textfields..something like this:
//Do your calculation
//Return result as String
return result;
}, tf1.textProperty(),tf2.textProperty(), tf3.textProperty(), tf4.textProperty()));