I'm trying to access an ObservableCollection that has already been populated inside another class (the viewModel). However, it always returns with nothing inside the ObservableCollection. I need this so that the collection can be sorted and searched. Interestingly, when I load the same ObservableCollection into an AutoSuggestBox, it displays the items in the ObservableCollection…
The code for sorting the Collection:
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
Frame currentFrame = Window.Current.Content as Frame;
MainPage mainPage = currentFrame.Content as MainPage;
TasksViewModel viewModel = new TasksViewModel();
int count = viewModel.searchableTaskTitles.Count();
bool swapped = false;
while (swapped == false)
swapped = true;
int loopCount = 0;
while (loopCount + 1 != count + 1)
if (string.Compare(viewModel.searchableTaskTitles.ElementAt(loopCount), viewModel.searchableTaskTitles.ElementAt(loopCount + 1)) == 1)
string a = viewModel.searchableTaskTitles[loopCount];
viewModel.searchableTaskTitles[loopCount] = viewModel.searchableTaskTitles[loopCount + 1];
viewModel.searchableTaskTitles[loopCount + 1] = a;
swapped = false;
loopCount = loopCount + 1;
loopCount = 0;
The code for getting the data:
public class TasksViewModel
public System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<string> searchableTaskTitles = new System.Collections.ObjectModel.ObservableCollection<string>();
public List<string> taskTitles = new List<string>();
public async void GetData()
string taskTitle;
string taskImportance;
string taskCompletion;
string taskDesc;
StorageFolder folder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFolderAsync("Tasks", CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists);
IReadOnlyCollection<StorageFile> fileNames = await folder.GetFilesAsync();
foreach (StorageFile file in fileNames)
using (var inputStream = await file.OpenReadAsync())
using (var classicStream = inputStream.AsStreamForRead())
using (var streamReader = new StreamReader(classicStream))
taskTitle = string.Format(streamReader.ReadLine());
taskImportance = string.Format(streamReader.ReadLine());
taskCompletion = string.Format(streamReader.ReadLine()) + "%";
taskDesc = string.Format(streamReader.ReadToEnd());
public TasksViewModel()
Just in case... the code for SearchQuerySubmitted for the AutoSuggestBox:
private void SearchQuerySubmitted(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs args)
if (args.ChosenSuggestion != null)
SearchAutoSuggestBox.Text = args.ChosenSuggestion.ToString();
string searchText = args.ChosenSuggestion.ToString();
int clickedItem = 0;
TasksViewModel viewModel = new TasksViewModel();
foreach (string item in viewModel.taskTitles)
if (searchText == item)
clickedItem = viewModel.taskTitles.IndexOf(item);
this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(ViewTaskPage), clickedItem);
Thank you very much!!!
In your search query submitted method you're doing this:
TasksViewModel viewModel = new TasksViewModel();
The constructor calls GetData
but this returns a Task
which as it doesn't have a return type, it can't be awaited, and you're not even trying to wait for it to finish either.
You need to either ditch the async, or return a value and wait for it in the constructor.
You shouldn't be doing async work in the constructor anyway, so my recommendation would be to change this code, to:
TasksViewModel viewModel = new TasksViewModel();
await viewModel.GetData();
But be sure to have GetData
actually return something, or awaiting won't work, because you can't await a void-returning async method.
See MSDN for more information on how to properly use async / await