I have some Base
class in c++. I export it into python using boost::python. But what about virtual destructor? Any base class should have virtual destructor to avoid wrong memory freeing, right? I forget about that and wrote Base
without destructor. Everything works, but with a lot of memory leaks.
Now I've added:
class Base
virtual ~Base();
// Other members...
And after importing of my module in python I get an error:
ImportError: Base.so: undefined symbol: _ZTI6Base
What I'm doing wrong? And, as I understand, the error causes due to missing destructor exporter for py-module.
The missing symbol error is probably caused by you failing to define the destructor (you're declaring the destructor, but it's unclear from your question whether you're defining it):
class Base
virtual ~Base() {}
// Other members...
(note the added curly braces)
As to your question about whether every "base class should have virtual destructor to avoid wrong memory freeing", please take a look at the FAQ: http://www.parashift.com/c++-faq-lite/virtual-functions.html#faq-20.7