I am using Owin self-hosting with WebAPI2. I have two controller classes and using attribute routing. One of them has following signature:
public class DeviceController : ApiController
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> DevicePresence()
public HttpResponseMessage GetDeviceUpdates(string deviceID)
This one is working fine and action methods get triggered.
The other Controller has below signature:
public class RemoteController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage RemoteHost()
public HttpResponseMessage GetVersion()
When I try to connect to any of these I get 503 (Service Unavailable) response.
My Startup class is initialized as below:
public class Startup
public static void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
var config = new HttpConfiguration();
config.Formatters.Add(new JsonMediaTypeFormatter());
I tried to use the conventional routing as well but still the same problem.
name: "RemoteApi",
routeTemplate: "device/{controller}/{action}"
public class ClassController : ApiController
public HttpResponseMessage GetVersion()
This is also throwing 503 status code If I change the Route prefix in the second controller as below then it's working:
public class RemoteController : ApiController
As per my requirement, I couldn't change the endpoints.
I am not sure what's wrong here and any help would be much appreciated.
I realized it was not a problem with webapi or routing. Actually, I was adding a firewall exception for the URL's and somehow it was not getting removed from firewall settings and keeps an entry in DACL. I removed this from cmd prompt and now everything works fine.
Sorry for bothering...